Page 85 - Nimbus Play
P. 85



                     Organic cotton is cotton grown without the use of
                     synthetic ­pesticides, artificial fertilizers, and other
                     toxic chemicals. By law, ­organic cotton plants cannot
                     come from genetically engineered seeds, and strict
                     regulations dictate how cotton must be grown to be
                     certified organic.

                  CHANGING TO

                     We are currently working to improve our organic
                     labelling, so our products comply with an even better,
                     stricter, and more comprehensive standard called OCS.


                     The Organic Content Standard (OCS) is an inter-
                     national, voluntary standard that provides chain of
                     custody verification for materials originating on a farm
                     certified to recognized national organic standards.
                     The standard is used to verify organi-cally grown raw
                     materials from the farm to the final product.

OCS 100                                              OCS BLENDED

Applies to products made from at least 95% organic   Applies to products made with a minimum of 5%
cotton mixed with conventional cotton or synthetics  organic cotton mixed with conventional cotton or
materials. The cotton used must be certified 100%    synthetics materials.
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